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Cornelis "Cees" KLOOSTERMAN

Cornelis "Cees" KLOOSTERMAN

Male 1949 - Deceased    Has more than 100 ancestors and 4 descendants in this family tree.

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  • Name Cornelis KLOOSTERMAN 
    Nickname Cees 
    Relationshipwith this person
    Birth 19 Sep 1949  Kofstraat 4, Dordrecht, Nederland Find all individuals with events at this location 
    Gender Male 
    Education 1955 - 1985 
    - Lager onderwijs: School Vest te Dordrecht, 1955-1961.
    - Gemeentelijk Lyceum te Dordrecht, HBS-B, 1961-1966.
    - In Leiden een jaar Geologie gestudeerd, 1966-1967.
    - Studie Medicijnen, Erasmus Universiteit te Rotterdam, 1967-1973.
    - Beroep: arts (afgestudeerd d.d. 23-10-1973).
    - Specialisatie: Arts voor Arbeid en Gezondheid, 1985.  
    Occupation 1985  Rotterdam, Nederland Find all individuals with events at this location (Age 35 years)  
    - Arts, afgestudeerd d.d. 19-10-1973, Erasmus Universiteit te Rotterdam.
    - Specialisatie: Arts voor Arbeid en Gezondheid, 1985.
    - Owner and Graphical Designer CKWebdesign ( https://ckwebdesign.eu
    Retired 1 Jan 2013 (Age 63 years) 
    Hobby 2023 (Age 73 years) 
    - Golf, WHS handicap 12.5
    - Scubadiving CMAS 4 **** diver, PADI MASTER Scubadiver. 
    Military Res. 1e Luitenant Arts, 435 Infanterie Bewakingscompagnie, Van Heutz, Chassé Kazerne, Breda, 1974-1975.  
    Most Recent Common Ancestor (MRCA) ± 2896 BCE.  Sardinië, Italië Find all individuals with events at this location 
    - Y-DNA Terminal SNP is I-FGC15105, subgroep van I-FGC15109, wat een subgroep is van haplogroep I-M223, wat op zichzelf een subgroep is van I-M170.
    - Deze mutatie deed zich voor bij een man, ongeveer 17.400 jaar geleden en M223 is een van de 23 SNP's die zijn afgeleid (+) op de I-M223-knoop. We weten niet welke van de 23 SNP's het eerst muteerde en welke het laatst. Alle mannen die zijn afgeleid voor M223 delen een gemeenschappelijke voorouder die minstens 13.200 tot 10.800 jaar geleden leefde.
    - Y-DNA Haplogroep I-M170 is een onderdeel van de Europese genenpool voor Y-chromosoom, goed voor gemiddeld 18% van de totale vaderlijke afstamming. Zijn virtuele afwezigheid elders, inclusief het Nabije Oosten, suggereert dat het in Europa ontstond, waarschijnlijk vóór het Laatste Glaciale Maximum.
    - Haplogroep I-M170 is overwegend een Europese haplogroep en wordt beschouwd als de enige inheemse Europese haplogroep. Het is te vinden in de meerderheid van de huidige Europese populaties met pieken in Noord- en Zuidoost-Europa.
    - De TMRCA (tijd tot de meest recente gemeenschappelijke voorouder) voor I-M170 werd geschat op 22.200 jaar geleden, met een betrouwbaarheidsinterval tussen 15.300-30.000 jaar geleden. Dit zou de oprichtingsgebeurtenis van I-M170 ongeveer gelijktijdig maken met het Laatste Glaciale Maximum (LGM), dat duurde van 26.500 jaar geleden tot ongeveer 19.500 jaar geleden. 
    Residence 1949- 2024 (Age 74 years) 
    - Kofstraat 4, Dordrecht, 1949 - 1952
    - Eerst rond 1952 op de flat 3e etage Kokmeeuwstraat 12 en later verhuisd naar de beneden flat Kokmeeuwstraat 4A teDordrecht, 1952 - 10/05/1971
    - Rotterdamse weg 126, Zwijndrecht, 10/05/1971 - 1973
    - Marchantstraat, Zwijndrecht, 1973 - 1976
    - Zomerland 13, Zevenbergen, 30-12-1976 - 24-08-1978
    -’ s-Heerenwei 34, Zevenbergen 24-08-1978 - 17/10/1979
    - Nieuwe Haven, Dordrecht, 17/10/1979 - 11/02/1980
    - Essenburg, Dordrecht, 11/02/1980 -21/06/1983
    -’ s-Heerenwei 13, Zevenbergen 21/06/1983 - 06-03-1998 (verkoopdatum)
    - Grotekerksbuurt, Dordrecht, 02-09-1997 (koopakte), januari 1998 gaan wonen - .... 
    Patriarch & Matriarch
    N.N.   (3 x Great Grandfather) 
    Marijke Dircksd FOPPE,   b. 1564  (10 x Great Grandmother) 
    Person ID I2173  Kloosterman
    Last Modified 11 Jan 2024 

    DNA Tests  3 DNA Tests 

    Father AncestorsAdriaan "Adrie" KLOOSTERMAN,   b. 18 Dec 1917, Vlissingen, Nederland Find all individuals with events at this locationd. 19 Nov 2005, Dordrecht, Nederland Find all individuals with events at this location (Age 87 years) 
    Mother AncestorsWilhelmina "Mien" VAN TOL,   b. 21 Feb 1920, Dubbeldam, Nederland Find all individuals with events at this locationd. 3 Feb 2006, Dordrecht, Nederland Find all individuals with events at this location (Age 85 years) 
    Marriage 2 Jul 1942  Dordrecht, Nederland Find all individuals with events at this location 
    Age at Marriage He : 24 years and 7 months - She : 22 years and 5 months. 
    Family ID F388  Group Sheet  |  Family Chart

    Wife 1 AncestorsGeertruida Maria ARDON,   b. 9 Mar 1951, Tien Gemeten, Nederland Find all individuals with events at this location (Age 73 years) 
    Marriage 10 May 1971  Zwijndrecht, Nederland Find all individuals with events at this location 
    Age at Marriage He : 21 years and 8 months - She : 20 years and 2 months. 
    Divorce 13 Jun 1980 
    +  1. Female L Evelien KLOOSTERMAN,   b. 10 Nov 1971, Zwijndrecht, Nederland Find all individuals with events at this location (Age 52 years)
    Married  2. Female L Margo KLOOSTERMAN,   b. 28 Jun 1974, Dordrecht, Nederland Find all individuals with events at this location (Age 50 years)
    Cornelis "Kees" VAN TOL  m. 16 May 2019
    Family ID F414  Group Sheet  |  Family Chart
    Last Modified 7 Jan 2014 

    Wife 2 AncestorsHelena Theodora DE KONING,   b. 28 Apr 1949, Medemblik, Nederland Find all individuals with events at this location (Age 75 years) 
    Other Partners: Carolus Bernardus ZUIJDERHOUDT  m. 9 Oct 1968 
    Marriage 20 Dec 1985  Dordrecht, Nederland Find all individuals with events at this location 
    Age at Marriage He : 36 years and 3 months - She : 36 years and 8 months. 
    Family ID F413  Group Sheet  |  Family Chart
    Last Modified 28 Jan 2021 

  • Event Map
    Link to Google MapsBirth - 19 Sep 1949 - Kofstraat 4, Dordrecht, Nederland
    Link to Google MapsMarriage - 10 May 1971 - Zwijndrecht, Nederland
    Link to Google MapsChild - Evelien KLOOSTERMAN - 10 Nov 1971 - Zwijndrecht, Nederland
    Link to Google MapsChild - Margo KLOOSTERMAN - 28 Jun 1974 - Dordrecht, Nederland
    Link to Google MapsOccupation - - Arts, afgestudeerd d.d. 19-10-1973, Erasmus Universiteit te Rotterdam. - Specialisatie: Arts voor Arbeid en Gezondheid, 1985. - Owner and Graphical Designer CKWebdesign ( https://ckwebdesign.eu ) - 1985 - Rotterdam, Nederland
    Link to Google MapsMarriage - 20 Dec 1985 - Dordrecht, Nederland
    Link to Google MapsMost Recent Common Ancestor (MRCA) - - Y-DNA Terminal SNP is I-FGC15105, subgroep van I-FGC15109, wat een subgroep is van haplogroep I-M223, wat op zichzelf een subgroep is van I-M170. - Deze mutatie deed zich voor bij een man, ongeveer 17.400 jaar geleden en M223 is een van de 23 SNP's die zijn afgeleid (+) op de I-M223-knoop. We weten niet welke van de 23 SNP's het eerst muteerde en welke het laatst. Alle mannen die zijn afgeleid voor M223 delen een gemeenschappelijke voorouder die minstens 13.200 tot 10.800 jaar geleden leefde. - Y-DNA Haplogroep I-M170 is een onderdeel van de Europese genenpool voor Y-chromosoom, goed voor gemiddeld 18% van de totale vaderlijke afstamming. Zijn virtuele afwezigheid elders, inclusief het Nabije Oosten, suggereert dat het in Europa ontstond, waarschijnlijk vóór het Laatste Glaciale Maximum. - Haplogroep I-M170 is overwegend een Europese haplogroep en wordt beschouwd als de enige inheemse Europese haplogroep. Het is te vinden in de meerderheid van de huidige Europese populaties met pieken in Noord- en Zuidoost-Europa. - De TMRCA (tijd tot de meest recente gemeenschappelijke voorouder) voor I-M170 werd geschat op 22.200 jaar geleden, met een betrouwbaarheidsinterval tussen 15.300-30.000 jaar geleden. Dit zou de oprichtingsgebeurtenis van I-M170 ongeveer gelijktijdig maken met het Laatste Glaciale Maximum (LGM), dat duurde van 26.500 jaar geleden tot ongeveer 19.500 jaar geleden. - ± 2896 BCE. - Sardinië, Italië

  • Photos
    Wedding card
    Wedding card
    Our wedding announcement to family and friends. Picture of us in the surf of Playa Frans, Bonaire, Dutch Antilles.
    A piece of Art
    A piece of Art
    My lovely wife Hélène in the Boymans-van Beuningen Museum in Rotterdam. The museum is noted for its collection of Dutch and Flemish works of art. The original collection was bequeathed to the city of Rotterdam in 1847 by F.J.O. Boymans, a city councilman. In 1958 the collection of Daniel George van Beuningen was acquired, and the Boymans Museum was renamed the Boymans van Beuningen Museum.
    Cees and his mother, 1953
    Cees and his mother, 1953
    That's me about 4 years old, sitting on my mothers lap. Picture taken around 1953 in the house of my grandmother, the Kofstraat in Dordrecht.
    Cees, 1954
    Cees, 1954
    In front of our house, Kokmeeuwstraat 12, Dordrecht around 1954.
    Cees, 1956
    Cees, 1956
    A school photographer visited our school every year to make a school portrait. This photo was made at my elementary school Vest in Dordrecht, around 1956, at the age of 7.
    School Vest 2e klas, 1956
    School Vest 2e klas, 1956
    Primary school 2e grade (that's me, bottom right) / School Vest 2e klas:

    School Vest 5e klas 1960
    School Vest 5e klas 1960
    5e grade School Vest, Dordrecht. With our teacher Mr. Pieterse
    The grandchildren of Kleis van Tol and Pieternella Verveer, at their 50e wedding anniversary (22-01-1964). I am 14 years old and I am sitting next to my grandmother.
    HBS 1964
    HBS 1964
    Gemeentelijk Lyceum Noordendijk, HBS-B 5e grade. With our teacher French. Mrs. Staal
    Medical School
    Medical School
    At the end of my medical training in 1972 (doing the long hair thing !) I did a long intership in internal medicine in the Zuiderziekenhuis (Southern Hospital) in Rotterdam. Under the direction of Harry Ramdas, one of the senior house staff members. I have good memories of those days, very busy, working long hours and a lot of nightshifts, but I gained a lot of clinical experience by extensive practical training in the area of patient care.
    Seven Seas
    Seven Seas
    The Seven Seas was used from 1966-1974 as a student Hostel for the medical students of the Erasmus University in Rotterdam. I had a cabin on the ship from august 1967 till august 1968.
    Army 1974
    Army 1974
    Photo of me (with long hair !!) in 1974, bivouac with the infantry. I was a military doctor from jan. 1974 till march 1975, with the 435 Infantry regiment "Van Heutz", in the Klooster Kazerne, Chasseesingel in Breda.
    Army 1974, bivouac
    Army 1974, bivouac
    That's me on the right, as a first lieutenant miltary doctor in 1974, having bivouac with the infantry. As you can see, long hair was permitted in those days! The infantry chow that we had to eat was certainly not gourmet food, but we had a lot of fun! On the left if I remember well, Frank Koenegracht. I think he specialised as a psychiatrist and in the back Jan van der Ham, who became a gynaecologist.

    Celebrating 55e birthday
    Celebrating 55e birthday
    Dinner at Restaurant "Kaatje bij de Sluis", celebrating the 55e birthday of my lovely wife Hélène. It was the last evening before the restaurant changed owners and chef, 28-04-2004. It still had its 2* Michelin Rating then. The owners Anneke and Fons van Groeningen sold the restaurant 3 may 2004. At the moment "Kaatje bij de Sluis" has a 1* Michelin rating.
    Celebrating my 55e birthday
    Celebrating my 55e birthday
    Celebrating my 55e birthday, 19-09-2004, having lunch on a terrace of the Plaza della Republica, Florence, Italy.
    Coat of Arms of the Kloosterman Family
    Coat of Arms of the Kloosterman Family
    Designed for every Kloosterman namebearer of the descendants of Jan Claesz, sheriff of Kapelle (1583) and his son Cornelis Jansz. op \'t Clooster (1571-1627) and his son Mattheus Cornelisz. Cloosterman (1597-1600) from Zeeland, the Netherlands.
    The Kloosterman Coat of Arms is designed according to the old heraldic rules and conventions and is officially registered at the heraldic department of the dutch Central Bureau of Genealogy (CBG nr. 945, 8 August 2005, Cees Kloosterman).
    Read also the description, explanation and the symbolism of the Kloosterman Coat of Arms.
    Kofstraat nr. 4
    Kofstraat nr. 4
    My grandparents moved from Vlissingen to Dordrecht around 1920 and lived initially in a small two room house in the Heymansuisstraat, later in the Marienbornstraat nr. 9, the Jacob Catsstraat no. 65, the Hoofdstraat and afterwards in the Kofstraat nr.4 (around 1933). My parents who married in 1942, lived on the upper floor of the Kofstraat nr.4 untill around 1950. The house is now renovated, but I was born there, 19-09-1949 in the little right room on the first floor. The room on the upper left was a small kitchen and the living (and sleeping) room was to the back. My grandparents lived all those years downstairs.
    Death of my Father
    Death of my Father
    My father Adriaan Kloosterman died peacefully Saturday, November 19 2005, 22.15 in the evening.
    That's me, september 2002 Bejing, China.
    Family picture, on my mothers 85 birthday, 20 February 2005. My father died that year 19 November and my mother a few months later on 3 February 2006.
    Celebrating my 57e birthday
    Celebrating my 57e birthday
    Celebrating my 57e birthday with my lovely wife Hélène in Portugal. The day started with a nice surprise, Hélène had aranged a champagne breakfeast in our room in the Marriott Hotel, Praia del Rey. Then we played a round of golf on the stunning Praia del Rey links golfcours along the Atlantic ocean and we had a drink on the terrace of the clubhouse. We finished the day off with a fabulous dinner in Romy's restaurant and had one of Portugal greatest white wines, Esporao Reserva 2004, Alentego D.O.C. It is a blend of Anteo Vaz, Roupeiro and the usefully lemony Arinto, the taste is full, opulent, tangy, masses of character and very well made
    Hello there you know my smiling face.
    Hello there you know my smiling face.
    I was there when the sixties were rolling, I was fast and free. Now it's only the "progress" that's rumbling and it's rumbling past me.

    That's me too on a Sixties party in 2007, with my hippie wig, John Lennon glasses, headband and peace necklaces.
    Now, I can't imagine that I really looked like that way back in the sixties. But I did !
    So my message is "Run your own race"
    Cees in Dordrecht
    Cees in Dordrecht
    Birthday 59 years
    Birthday 59 years
    Celebrating my 59 birtday in the restaurant of EL Bulli Hotel Hacienda Benazuza, in the small village of Sanlacar la Mayor, on a hill dominating the Guadiamar river valley, Spain. The 3 star's Michelin chef Ferran Adria (Restaurant El Bulli) manages the cuisine of the Hotel, is a gastronome's once-before-you-die Mecca.
    Dancing in the dark
    Dancing in the dark
    Dancing with my lovely wife Hélène, Bluescruise, July 9e 2010, Dordrecht.

    PS:"Dancing in the Dark" is a 1984 song, written and performed by American rock singer Bruce Springsteen. Adding up-tempo synthesizer riffs and some syncopation to his sound for the first time, it became his biggest hit and, as the first single released from Born in the U.S.A., started it off to becoming the best-selling album of Springsteen's career.
    Our livingroom
    Our livingroom
    We love our livingroom with the semicircle old windows. As you can see we love primary colors and a mix of oriental and modern furniture.
    Running, Across Dordrecht
    Running, Across Dordrecht
    April 7e 2013. I am the runner with the sunglasses, third from the left. Quite happy with my time considering my age (63), 5 Km, 29 min.24 sec.
    Relaxing, 07.00 in the morning, Captain Cook, Kona, Hawaii, USA.
    Alcaidesa Golf, May 28e 2013
    Alcaidesa Golf, May 28e 2013
    Alcaidesa Links opened in 1992 and is an experience that cannot be found anywhere else in Spain. Located West of San Roque, in an area rich with enthusiastic golfers, the course has recently undergone an extensive program of remodeling, fairways have been improved and widened. Alcaidesa Golf has breathtaking views across the straights of Gibraltar to Morocco and the Atlas Mountains beyond. I played there with my good friends Rene, Andries and Leen, May 28e 2013.
    Doctor of Medicine (M.D.)
    Doctor of Medicine (M.D.)
    After receiving my Doctor of Medicine (M.D.) degree, talking to my friends who also graduated.
    My mother and me around 1954?
    Ik was Res. 1e Luitenant Arts van de 435 Infanterie Bewakingscompagnie, Van Heutz, Chassékazerne, Breda, 1974-1975.
    Ik was Res. 1e Luitenant Arts van de 435 Infanterie Bewakingscompagnie, Van Heutz, Chassékazerne, Breda, 1974-1975.
    In 1898 werd begonnen met de bouw van de kazerne, de oplevering was op 1 juli 1899. Genie-officier W. Cool vervaardigde in twee maanden de ontwerpen voor de kazerne en werd vervolgens met de uitvoering belast. Toen de kazerne in augustus 1899 was voltooid, oordeelde men haar de mooiste en doelmatigste in het land. Het exercitieterrein diende ook als paardenrenbaan voor de Harddraverij- en Renvereniging.

    Het gebouw van 108 meter breed heeft in het midden een mooie facade. Het bestaat uit twee woonlagen. Het beschikt over diverse hoektorentjes, kantelen en imitatie-schietgaten. De bouwstijl is Neorenaissance. In de portiek voor de hoofdingang is het wapenschild van generaal baron David Hendrik Chassé en een schild met de plattegrond van de citadel van Antwerpen. De voordeuren waren van djatihout met grote hengels. Achter de voorgevel is een ondiep gebouw met een gang met aan een zijde kamers. Aan de achterzijde zijn vier paviljoens. De kazerne was oorspronkelijk bestemd voor twee bataljons (2000 man). Door verbouwingen is er weinig van het oorspronkelijke interieur overgebleven.

    In 1994 zijn het bibliotheekinterieur en het verenigingslokaal voor de officieren gedemonteerd en is de laatstgenoemde als pronkkamer weer opgebouwd in het "Museum Korps Rijdende Artillerie" op de legerplaats bij Oldebroek, 't Harde.

    Tijdens de Tweede Wereldoorlog waren er in de kazerne opleidingseenheden van de Kriegsmarine. In 1948 werd het Artillerieschool, later Artillerie Opleidingscentrum. In 1952 werd de Claudius Prinsenlaan aangelegd. In 1993 verhuisde het Artillerie Opleidingscenrum naar Oldebroek. Van 1994-1995 werd de kazerne bewoond door asielzoekers. In juni 1998 begon rondom de Chassékazerne de bouw van de wijk Chassé Park ontworpen door Rem Koolhaas. In 1998 werden het Stadsarchief en het Breda's Museum in de Chassékazerne ondergebracht. In gebouw F is de culturele instelling de Stadsgalerij Breda gevestigd.

    Grandpa's last letter
    Grandpa's last letter
    This is the last letter my grandfather wrote to me on 24-07-1972. Is was 4 weeks earlier that his wife Anna had died after 59 years of marriage. One week later on 01-08-1972 he decided to end his own life, so that he could join his Anna again.
    "The heart asks, why? But the answer is blowing in the wind".

    So, read also Grandpa's Death
    Medical registration certificate
    Medical registration certificate
    Medical registration certificate, issued to Cornelis Kloosterman, October 19 1973, by the medical registration board of the Erasmus University, Rotterdam.
    The Hawks champion !
    The Hawks champion !
    Newspaper article in the sportspage of the Dordtenaar, 1964.
    I played baseball (catcher) in the Hawks. We won the junior champions title.
    My batting avarage was 0,333.
    The Hawks, newspaper articles in the sportspages
    The Hawks, newspaper articles in the sportspages
    Newspaper articlse in the sportspage, 1964.
    I played baseball (catcher) in the Hawks. We won the junior champions title.
    The Hawks, newspaper articles
    The Hawks, newspaper articles
    Newspaper articles in the sportspages, 1964.
    I played baseball (catcher) in the Hawks. We won the junior champions title. My batting avarage was 0,333.
    Note the typing error in the title, "Honkabltitel" in stead of "Honkbaltitel".
    Mijn militaire paspoort, lichting '74-1, nr.B762508.
    Mijn militaire paspoort, lichting '74-1, nr.B762508.
    De eerste 6 weken kregen alle dienstplichtige artsen hun basisopleiding in de Juliana van Stolberg kazerne in Amersfoort, met de rang van Vaandrig.

    Na 6 weken werd iedereen Res. 1e Luitenant Arts. Daarna werd ik overgeplaatst naar de Chassékazerne in Breda en was tot 01-04-1975 de onderdeelsarts van de 435 Infanterie Bewakingscompagnie, Van Heutz, Chassékazerne Breda.
    My DNA (FamTreeDNA) Origins, Europe 100%.
    My DNA (FamTreeDNA) Origins, Europe 100%.
    Until the middle Pleistocene Great Britain was a peninsula of Europe, connected by the massive chalk Weald–Artois Anticline across the Straits of Dover. During the Anglian glaciation, about 450,000 years ago, an ice sheet filled much of the North Sea, with a large proglacial lake in the southern part fed by the Rhine, the Scheldt and the Thames.

    Doggerland was an area of land, now submerged beneath the southern North Sea, that connected Great Britain to continental Europe. It was flooded by rising sea levels around 6500–6200 BCE. Geological surveys have suggested that it stretched from what is now the east coast of Great Britain to what are now the Netherlands, the western coast of Germany and the peninsula of Jutland. It was probably a rich habitat with human habitation in the Mesolithic period.

    Around 7000 BC the Ice Age had ended and Mesolithic European hunter-gatherers had migrated from their refuges to recolonize the continent, including Doggerland which later submerged beneath the rising North Sea. The majority of western European males belonged to Y-haplogroup I and northeast Europeans to haplogroup R1a. Other minor male lineages such as R1b, G, J, T and E would also have been present in Europe, having migrated from the Asian Steppe, the Middle East and North Africa.

    The most up-to-date research into these ancient migrations on the European Continent suggests that there were three major groups of people that have had a lasting effect on present day peoples of European descent: Hunter-Gatherers, Early Farmers, and Metal Age Invaders.

    My Autosomal DNA origins are 100% Europe
    * Western Europe

    - England, Wales and Scotland 56%

    - Central Europe 23%

    - Scandinavia 21%

    The Hawks
    The Hawks
    In 1964 I played baseball (catcher) in the Hawks. We won the junior champions title. In the picture, first row on the right, that's me.
    Out of Africa, world view
    Out of Africa, world view
    FTDNA Globe trekker EUROPE view of the lineages through time and place and to uncover the modern history of my (I-FGC15105) direct paternal surname line and the ancient history of my shared ancestors. In addition to my own (I-FGC15105) ancestral line (thick red line), the thin red lines shows lineages that went other ways and the migration paths leading up to my Ancient Connections.
    Out of Africa, Europe view
    Out of Africa, Europe view
    FTDNA Globe trekker EUROPE view of the lineages through time and place and to uncover the modern history of my (I-FGC15105) direct paternal surname line and the ancient history of my shared ancestors. In addition to my own (I-FGC15105) ancestral line (thick red line), the thin red lines shows lineages that went other ways and the migration paths leading up to my Ancient Connections.

    Beschrijving, uitleg en symboliek van het familiewapen van de Kloosterman Familie.
    Text in Dutch language (*Dutch language)
    Het Pelgrimshuys
    Het Pelgrimshuys
    - Het Pelgrimhuys, ook wel het Sint-Jacobsgasthuis genoemd (Grotekerksbuurt 11-15) is waarschijnlijk in de eerste plaats bedoeld geweest voor de zorg en de opvang van pelgrims op weg naar Santiago de Compostella, de bekende bedevaartplaats in het noordwesten van Spanje.
    - House of the Pelgrims.
    Text in Dutch language (*Dutch language
    The Synod of Dort
    The Synod of Dort
    The Synod of Dort met in the city of Dordrecht 1618-1619, as a national assembly of the Dutch Reformed Church, to which were invited representatives from the Reformed churches, to settle the Five Main Points of Doctrine in Dispute in the Dutch Churches.
    Text in English language (*English language)
    The Canons of Dort
    The Canons of Dort
    The Decision of the Synod of Dort in 1618-1619 on the Five Main Points of Doctrine in Dispute in the Dutch churches of the Netherlands is popularly known as the Canons of Dort.
    Text in English language (*English language)
    Aelbert Jacobsz Cuyp
    Aelbert Jacobsz Cuyp
    Aelbert Jacobsz Cuyp was one of the predominant Dutch landscape painters of the 17th century. Aelbert was born and died at Dordrecht.
    Text in English language (*English language)
    - Archieven, Goes, Biezelinge, Nisse en Heinkenszand
    - Archives, Goes, Biezelinge, Nisse and Heinkenszand.
    Text in Dutch language (*Dutch language)
    A Zeeland History
    A Zeeland History
    A short history of the province of Zeeland in the Netherlands.
    Text in English language (*English language)
    Timeline of the Netherlands
    Timeline of the Netherlands
    Timeline of the Netherlands, 100 B.C - 2004
    Text in English language (*English language)
    The Kingdom of the Netherlands
    The Kingdom of the Netherlands
    The Kingdom of the Netherlands is a constitutional monarchy. It is located in northwestern Europe and borders the North Sea, Belgium and Germany.
    Text in English language (*English language)
    My Chinese name, Si Kâi
    My Chinese name, Si Kâi
    In September 2002 we made a big trip to China and I decided to have my name translated in Chinese, so that I could have a Chinese business card. I had a lot of fun, finding a translator and designing the card.
    Text in English language (*English language)
    How I made my TNG-WP website
    How I made my TNG-WP website
    When I started my website years ago, all the pages were HTML pages. During the years the site grew bigger and bigger, the HTML pages started piling up. So I decided to install WordPress and to convert all the HTML pages to WordPress pages and try to intgrate TNG with WordPress.
    \"Text (*English language)

    Crematie toespraak
    Crematie toespraak
    De woorden gesproken door mij en mijn kinderen op de begrafenis van mijn vader op 24 november 2005.
    Text (*Dutch language)

    The bells of Dordrecht
    The bells of Dordrecht
    The Cathedral of Dordrecht has 67 bells. 6/67 use for peal bells.

    The big bell of this cathedral is the great of Netherlands.

    The Masses of 6 peal bells is: 1100kg, 1600kg, 2700kg, 4000kg, 6000kg, 9400kg.
    Dordrecht 1926
    Dordrecht 1926
    Old movie (black and white) of Dordrecht in 1926
    Le port d'Amsterdam, Jacques Brel
    Le port d'Amsterdam, Jacques Brel
    Le port d'Amsterdam combines a powerful melancholic crescendo with a rich poetic account of the exploits of sailors on shore leave in Amsterdam.

    The tune is a slightly modified version of the traditional English folk song Greensleeves. Brel never recorded this for a studio album, and his only version was released on the live album.

    Brel worked on the song at his house overlooking the Mediterranean at Roquebrune-Cap-Martin, the house he shared with Sylvie Rivet, a publicist for Philips; a place she had introduced him to in 1960. It was the ideal place for him to create, and to indulge his passion for boats and planes. One morning at six o'clock he read the words of Amsterdam to Fernand, a restaurateur who was about to set off fishing for scorpion fish and conger eels for the bouillabaisse. Overcome, Fernand broke out in sobs and cut open some sea urchins to help control his emotion.
    My music videos
    My music videos
    In 1894, sheet music publishers Edward B. Marks and Joe Stern hired electrician George Thomas and various performers to promote sales of their song "The Little Lost Child". Using a magic lantern, Thomas projected a series of still images on a screen simultaneous to live performances. This would become a popular form of entertainment known as the illustrated song, the first step toward music video.
    The canals of Dordrecht
    The canals of Dordrecht
    The center of Dordrecht has various canals or harbours running through it. There are various boat tours in and around Dordrecht.

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