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See also:
 Giuseppe Verdi
 Rigoletto Opera
 Francesco Maria Piave
The Duke’s aria from Rigoletto, opera in three acts by Giuseppe Verdi. Libretto by
Francesco Maria Piave, after ‘Le roi s’amuse’, play by Victor Hugo. For reasons of
censorship also shown in Italy variously as Viscardello, Clara di Pert and Lionello.
“La donna è mobile“
La donna è mobile, qual piùma al vento,
Woman is fickle (movable), like a feather in the wind,
muta d’accento, e di pensiero.
she changes the tone of her voice (i.e., her accents), and her thoughts
Sempre un amabile, leggiadro viso,
Always a sweet, pretty face,
in pianto o in riso, è menzognero.
in tears or in laughter, (she) is (always) lying
La donna è mobile, qual piùma al vento,
Woman is fickle, like a feather in the wind,
muta d’accento, e di pensier
she changes her accents, and her thoughts
e di pensier, e di pensier
and her thoughts, and her thoughtsÈ sempre misero, chi a lei s’affida,
It is always miserable, he that trusts in her
(He is always miserable who trusts in her)
chi le confida, mal cauto il core!
who to her confides, his unwary heart!
Pur mai non sentesi felice appieno
Yet nobody feels happy fully
chi su quel seno non liba amore!
who on that bosom doesn’t drink love,
La donna è mobil, qual piùma al vento,
Woman is fickle, like a feather in the wind,
muta d’accento e di pensier,
she changes the tone of her voice and her thoughts
e di pensier, e e di pensier!
and her thoughts, and her thoughts!